Tuesday, February 19, 2008

pawn tips

Lauren here!
There are so many pawns in chess.

How to take care of your pawns in your game:
Pawns like to support each other. Pawns are generally not happy if they are isolated because they are weak and will
most likely be a target. If this happens, then try to trade the pawn.

It is important to have good pawn structure. Try to have the least pawn islands as possible.
Try to make a pawn chain (where the pawns support each other).

If you have isolated pawns, then try to trade them off.

In this position, black has four pawns islands. The pawns on the 'f' file are isolated double pawns. None of his pawns are not supporting each other.
White has better pawn structure, so white has a better chance of winning this position.


likesforests said...

Awesome videos! Congratulations on putting them together, and good luck with your series. :)

chessdiva.show said...

Thank you for commenting on my blog.